
Your custom design in full color!

We make the packaging as exciting as the Belgian chocolate inside. Out with dull boxes! In with hand-finished lids made just for you -- from bright, bold logos to full color images.

Our 4" x 4" and 4" x 6" boxes are now also available with full-color, custom printed sleeves.

2 lb. and 45-piece, Lg. Truffle, 24-cookie box lids $5.00 (R)
1 lb., 1/2 lb., 19-Piece, 12-Pack Cookie, Midsize Truffle lids $4.00 (R)
4" x 4" and 4" x 6" printed sleeves $2.50 (R)

All pricing is for packaging only. Chocolate sold separately.

Want custom but need help with ideas? Choose from the large assortment of predesigned bars and lids below and we'll drop your name in for you!
Holiday Designs
Non-Holiday Designs

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